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Search Engine Optimization In Pakistan

SEOWhat is SEO ?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization is a service or a function or an act held on a website, in every aspect and making its all sides clear and visible for the purpose that it stands on a high position in search engine results. It is specially a tactic and technique to make site fully optimize, research with competitors websites and make it perfect according to standard rules, search engine friendly to get high ranking in search engine

What are the benefits of SEO?

Search engine optimization process use different types of hidden techniques, science and formulas to get website in top pages of search engine, This process involves keyword analysis, keyword research, competitors websites, web coding formats and other tactics to get website on top 10 -20 results on major search engine
almost 95 % of users use search engine to get results and website, and if your website will be displayed on main page of search engine, you can get 50 % of all traffic on that keyword, means millions of Free users per day.

Our Search Engine Optimization Services includes:

  1. Complete Site Analysis and Optimization of your Website.

  2. Proper research on keywords for selection and to define the strategies for the site. This will also include a research on your competitor's sites.

  3. Lists of pages for which SEO is recommended will be created.

  4. Compare the most popular keywords to the content of already existing pages, select the most appropriate keywords according to clients's requests. If client will not mention keywords, we will select keywords according to keywords popularity.

  5. Source code of static or dynamic pages will be change: Titles, Meta-Tags, Alts, etc.

  6. (optional) In some cases contents of page will also modify to meet the requirements of Search Engine Optimization (client's permission required to process this step).

  7. Complete report will be prepared on what has been done.

Earn Money From Google

Search Engine Top Position Example :
Yahoo Email ServiceGoogle Adsense & Google AdwordMsn Live SearchAltvista SearchAsk.Com Logo

Search Engine Optimization :

Search Engine Optimization Analysis:
We will analyze your web site from the perspective of a search engine. Every element of your web page will be closely inspected, results in detailed to make specific changes in your web pages. We do not rely only on the general guidelines published by the search engines. Our analysis is based on the research of hundreds of top ranking web pages on the search engines, along with data taken live, in real time, from the top-ranking websites. We compiled this huge amount of data, combined with reverse analyzes of the search engines, into a sophisticated advisory system that is constantly updated by continuous research.

In today's Internet business world, the most successful businesses need to create effective and economical Internet Marketing and web promotions for both their online and offline business.


  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Seo Content Writing as per Search Engine Ranking Guidelines.

  • Top 10/20/30 Search Engine Listing and Ranking Service.

  • Link Building / Link Popularity.

  • Google Pr Rank Increase solution

  • Search Engine Directory Submission

  • Paid Inclusion solution

Software Marketing.

  • 83% of internet users go straight to search engines to look for products and services

  • 93% of users never look past the first few pages of results

  • Google indexes over 8 billion web pages when searching for results

Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is serious business. Companies spent million dollars in advertising their products and services online. Look at it this way, if you were to spend money on a billboard ad, would you place it in the middle of a desert or on a major highway? A website without a search engine marketing campaign is effectively ‘stuck in the desert' because nobody will ever get the chance to see it.

A successful Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine Marketing campaign will generate new business for your organization!

We are Pakistan's leading Search Engine Marketing company with an enviable track record of success. Over 50 companies trust us with the management of their online campaigns.

A Search Engine Optimization & Search Engine Marketing campaign at Pak Eagle involves the correct selection of ‘quality' search terms, optimization of web pages, directory listings, link and Pay Per Click campaigns. Our Search Engine Marketing & Search Engine Optimization specialists have 10 years combined experience, and our knowledge and close relationship with the major search engines ensures your campaign is successful.

So before choosing your Search Engine Marketing partner make sure to check out their track record of results… we would love to show you ours!

E-mail us and we'll get a qualified consultant to call you.

Why Search Engine Optimization?

  • Most of search engines command over 100 million searches everyday, day after day. Search engine optimization helps you get this piece of the pie, which you might be losing otherwise to your competition.

  • Search engine optimization offers a much better return on investment ROI compared to banner campaigns and other internet marketing techniques.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) helps you to increase targeted traffic... people who are already looking for the product or service, which you are offering.

  • SEO is a long term and permanent answer to your traffic generation. Once SEO on a website has been optimized through search engines it can stay at the top for long periods of time

  • SEO - Search engine optimization results in huge savings on ad-spent using traditional channels of marketing


Search Engine Optimized Web Site - DataGanjBakhsh.Com

We have optimized an Islamic web site for search engines for the keyword "data ganj bakhsh" , "data darbar" and "ali hajveri" and you can see that in all major search engines this web site appears on first page and in top 10 web sites

Learn Professional Photography In Pakistan Hajveri Web Hosting

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