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Frequently Asked Questions

The Basics

Q.  What is a URL?
Q.  What is a domain name?
Q.  How long can my domain name be?
Q.  What do .com, .net and .org stand for in an Internet address?
Q.  Are .com, .net and .org my only choices when registering a domain name?
Q.  What is a name server?

Domain Name Registration
Q.  Who should register a domain name?
Q.  I don't have a Web site, can I still register a domain name?
Q.  What are the rules for registering a domain name?
Q.  What if the domain name I want isn't available?
Q.  I've decided to register my domain name. What's my next step?
Q.  Once I have registered a domain name, where will it go?
Q.  Who owns the domain name?
Q.  How much does it cost to register a domain name?
Q.  Once I have registered a domain name, where will it be?
Q.  Why does my newly registered domain name show up as "available" on another registrars' WhoIs search?

Account and Administration Information
Q.  What if I forget my password?
Q.  How do I renew my domain name registration?
Q.  I want to transfer my domain name from another registrar to, how do I do it?
Q.  What if I don't have access to the e-mail address for the Owner contact and I need to change my domain name configuration?

Domain Wizard, and WhoIs
Q.  Can Domain Wizard help me find a domain name that is available?
Q.  What is 'WhoIs'?
Q.  What is the difference between the WhoIs search and Domain Wizard?

I have registered, what do I do now?
Q.  What do I do with my domain name?

Contact Us
Q.  I have questions not answered by this FAQ page. How can I contact someone at


Q.  What is a URL?

A.  A URL, which stands for Uniform Resource Locator, is your complete Internet address. It is the string of information, such as, that directs people to specific locations on the Internet. In the same way that an address written on an envelope directs the post-office to deliver a letter straight to your door, a URL typed into an Internet browser leads directly to the location of a specific resource on the Internet.


Q.  What is a domain name?

A.  A domain name, signifies your own address on the Internet. As no two parties may ever hold the same domain name at the same time, it is a truly unique identifier of you or your company. It is how your customers will remember you and find you among the millions of other Web sites on the Internet.


Q.  How long can my domain name be?

A.  At Web Hosting Service you can have a name that is 63 characters long not including the .com or .net extension. Therefore the root of the word can be 63 characters.


Q.  What do .com, .net and .org stand for in an Internet address?

A.  These three, .net and .org-are top-level domain names in the hierarchical Domain Name System. They are probably the most popular and most widely recognized top-level domain names on the Internet. With Web Hosting Service, you can register any valid, available domain name you choose within these three top-level domain names.


Q.  Are .com, .net and .org my only choices when registering a domain name?

A. Web Hosting Service currently registers domain names ending in .com, .net, .org, *.uk and *.pk. As other extensions become more widely used on the Internet, we will offer those to our customers as well. We'll keep you posted through updates on our home page.


Q.  What is a name server?

A.  Computers read Internet addresses through a series of numbers called Internet Protocol (IP) numbers. Because these numbers would be difficult for people to remember, user-friendly Internet addresses were developed using combinations of words and numbers. A name server is a computer that has the capability to translate, or resolve, the domain names we see and use in our browser windows into IP numbers. Example:  is how people commonly remember and reach our Web site, but a name server translates these letters into the IP number  any time a computer is directed to our site.


Q.  Who should register a domain name?

A.  Anyone who wants to establish a presence on the Internet or wants to secure the name.


Q.  I don't have a Web site, can I still register a domain name?

A.  Yes. You can register a domain name at any time and start your online identity.


Q.  What are the rules for registering a domain name?

A.  Only a few rules must be followed when registering your domain name:

  • Your domain name must always begin and end with either a letter or number.

  • Your domain name may not exceed 63 characters. This does not include the .com, .net or .org extension at the end.

  • Hyphens are the only acceptable non-letter/number character to include in your domain name. Other characters, such as exclamation points and underscores, are not permitted.

  • Don't worry about upper and lower case letters-domain names are not case sensitive.



Q.  What if the domain name I want isn't available?

A.  If you search for the availability of a name on Web Hosting Service and it is not available, it means that someone else has already registered that domain name. Web Hosting Service can only register domain names that are available.


Q.  I've decided to register my domain name. What's my next step?

A.  Once you have your domain name registered, your next step should be to find an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or a Web hosting company. If you need help finding one, please check Web Hosting Service's home page to see a list of our partners. When you have the pages of your Web site developed, the ISP or hosting company can help you get them up and running on the Internet.


Q.  Once I have registered a domain name, where will it go?

A.  Once you have registered a domain name through Web Hosting Service, it will automatically reside, free of charge, at  Our Server. Anyone searching for your Web page will be directed to this site until you change the name server by signing up for service with a Web hosting company or an Internet service provider. The company that you choose as your ISP or Web host will then work with you to transfer the domain name to your virtual server.


Q.  Who owns the domain name?

A.  The owner of the domain name is the registrant information entered into our database at the time of the original registration. To find out the registrant information for a domain name, please visit the Web Hosting Service


Q.  How much does it cost to register a domain name?

A.  Please see our pricing page for our competitive rates.


Q.  Once I have registered a name, where will it be?

A.  Once you have registered a domain name through Web Hosting Service it will reside at our Server and will remain there until you change the domain name server. We provide this service free of charge.


Q.  Why does my newly registered domain name show up as "available" on another registrars' WhoIs search?

A.  Once your name is registered with Web Hosting Service, it will take up to 48 hours before your information will be posted on the 'WhoIs' search.


Q.  What if I forget my password?

A.  Send an e-mail to with your domain name and the password for managing your domain name will be e-mailed to the appropriate contact for your domain name in 24 hours.


Q.  How do I renew my domain name registration?

A.  When your domain name registration comes up for renewal, we will send an e-mail to the person listed as the billing contact for that domain name. That person will have 30 days to renew the domain name’s registration. Following the expiration date, we will continue to hold the name as registered for a grace period of 30 days. During this time, a second e-mail will be sent to both the domain owner and billing contact. If there is still no response after the grace period, the domain name will expire and become available for registration by other parties.

Eventually we plan on incorporating a renewals section within the accounts pages. This will allow our customers to renew their registrations automatically themselves. Coming soon!


Q.  I want to transfer my domain from another registrar to Web Hosting Service, how do I do it?

A.  Simply follow the instructions listed on our Transfer Domains Names page.


Q.  What if I don't have access to the e-mail address for the Owner contact and I need to change my domain name configuration?

A.  Then you should send an email to , let them know you no longer have access to the Owner's email address and they will call the Owner's phone number to provide the correct log-in information. Customer Support will then make the appropriate change and email that address with the correct log-in information.


Q.  Can Domain Wizard help me find a domain name that is available?

A.  Yes. We know it's a frustrating experience finding out that your first name choice isn't available. That's why Web Hosting Service offers you Domain Name Wizard, an easy way to search for an alternate domain name. Domain Name wizard's thesaurus feature allows you to find creative synonyms to your original name choice. And if you really want to find a creative name, just enter three words into the appropriate spaces on the screen. Domain Wizard will go to work concocting different combinations of the entered words and whip up all kinds of unique name combinations for you to consider.  Enter your names into the appropriate field, wait a few seconds, and Domain Wizard will tell you which names are available of all the names you checked.


Q.  What is 'WhoIs'?

A.  The 'WhoIs' feature is a search engine connected to a database of domains registered through Web Hosting Service. When you type in a domain name, if the company registered through Web Hosting Service it will list the company that the name is registered under, mailing address, phone number, server information, etc.


Q.  What is the difference between the WhoIs search and Domain Wizard?

A.  A WhoIs search allows you to enter any domain name registered by Us to find out, for informational purposes only, the registration records for a particular domain name. Domain Wizard, as described above, searches for domain name availability and helps you create alternate domain names if the one you want is already taken.


Q.  What do I do with my domain name?

A.  Now that you have completed registration for your domain name the first step is to find a hosting partner.


Q.  I have questions not answered by this FAQ page. How can I contact someone at Web Hosting Service?

A.  We'll be happy to answer any questions you have about Us and our services. Just Dial +92-300-6561240

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